ミニスポーツ社から取り寄せました。 SPO4633SPEN81(3/1) Stepper Motor - Mini SPi Stepper motor for the throttle assembly on Mini SPi models. Basic idle air control valve for spi Mini"s. Unlike the mpi stepper motor which uses a bypass valve this unit controls the throttle directly, if you are having issues on idle then 1 or more of the 4 windings could not be working, this is usually due to corrosion or a soldered joint failing. 注意書き*****特に 当社より初めて購入される方***必ず最後までご覧の上 落札をお願いします。
Stepper Motor - Mini SPi
Stepper motor for the throttle assembly on Mini SPi models.
Basic idle air control valve for spi Mini"s. Unlike the mpi stepper motor which uses a bypass valve this unit controls the throttle directly, if you are having issues on idle then 1 or more of the 4 windings could not be working, this is usually due to corrosion or a soldered joint failing.
注意書き*****特に 当社より初めて購入される方***必ず最後までご覧の上 落札をお願いします。
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