WASHINGTON — 2″ May”2023″
The U.S. Secret Service said Monday it blocked a Muslim mayor from Prospect Park, New Jersey, from attending a White House celebration with President Joe Biden to belatedly mark the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Shortly before he was set to arrive at the White House for the Eid-al-Fitr celebration, Mayor Mohamed Khairullah said he received a call from the White House stating that he had not been cle壯陽藥 ared for entry by the Secret Service and could not attend the celebration where Biden delivered remarks to hundreds of guests. He said the White House official did not explain why the Secret Service had blocked his entry.
Khairullah, 47, informed the New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations after he was told he would not be allowed to attend the event.
The group has called on the Biden administration to cease the FBI’s dissemination of information from what is known as a Terrorist Screening Data Set that includes hundreds of thousands of individuals. The group informed Khairullah that a person with his name and birthdate was in a dataset that CAIR attorneys obtained in 2019.
Khairullah was an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump’s travel ban that limited entry to the U.S. of citizens from several predominantly Muslim countries. He also has travelled to Bangladesh and Syria to do humanitarian work with the Syrian American Medical Society and the Watan Foundation
Waxaan dareennay caawinaad la’aan’
Selaedin Maksut, oo ah agaasimaha fulinta ee cutubka New Jersey ee golaha xidhiidhka Maraykanka iyo Islaamka, ayaa tillaabadan ku tilmaamay “mid aan gabi ahaanba la aqbali karin oo aflagaado ah”.
“Haddii dhacdooyinkan oo kale ay ku dhacaan shakhsiyaadka caanka ah ee Muslimiinta-Maraykanka ah sida Duqa Khayrullah, tani waxay keenaysaa su’aasha: Maxaa ku dhacaya Muslimiinta oo aan haysan marinka iyo muuqaalka uu leeyahay duqa?” Maksut ayaa weydiiyey.
Khairullah wuxuu sheegay in ay mas’uuliyiintu joojiyeen 2019, su’aalo lagu waydiiyay garoonka caalamiga ah ee John F Kennedy ee New York muddo saddex saacadood ah wuxuuna su’aal ka keenay bal inuu garanayo “argagixiso”. Dhacdadan ayaa dhacday mar uu dib ugu soo laabanayay dalka Mareykanka kadib booqasho qoys uu ku tagay dalka Turkiga, halkaasi oo xaaskiisa ay qoys ku leedahay.
Munaasabad kale, wuxuu sheegay in muddo kooban lagu hayay xudduudda Mareykanka iyo Kanada markii uu dib ugu soo laabtay dalka isaga iyo qoys.
Kooxdu waxay sheegtay in Khairullah uu ka caawiyay Xisbiga Dimuqraadiga ee New Jersey ururinta magacyada hoggaamiyeyaasha Muslimiinta maxalliga ah si ay ugu martiqaadaan dabbaaldegga Ciidda Aqalka Cad, dhammaadka toddobaadkana uu marti ku ahaa munaasabad ka dhacday guriga guddoomiyaha New Jersey.