Trump pledges ‘orderly’ transfer of power to Joe Biden on January  20

Trump pledges ‘orderly’ transfer of power to Joe Biden on January 20

7 January " 2021" Associated Press Outgoing US President Donald Trump said that there will be an "orderly" transfer of power to Joe Biden on January 20. Trump's remarks came minutes after a Joint Session of the US Congress formally certified the Electoral College victory of Biden as the next US President and Kamala Harris as the Vice President in the November 3 election. Meanwhile, thousands of angry supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol and clashed with police, resulting in casualty and multiple injuries and interrupting a constitutional process to affirm Joe Biden's victory in the presidential election. The police, outnumbered by the maskless protesters, had a tough time in managing the mob, as hundreds of protesters breached security and ent...
Democrats near Senate control after Warnock wins Georgia race

Democrats near Senate control after Warnock wins Georgia race

6" January "2021" SOURCE : AL JAZEERA Democrat Raphael Warnock has defeated Republican Kelly Loeffler in one of Georgia’s two US Senate runoff elections, according to a projection by The Associated Press news agency, putting Democrats one seat away from majority control of the Senate. In the extremely tight race, Warnock leads Loeffler 50.6 to 49.4 percent, with 98 percent of votes counted The second runoff, between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican David Perdue, is still too close to call. Although Ossoff holds a slim 0.4 percentage point lead and a winner has not been projected, he declared victory in a brief YouTube speech Wednesday. If Democrats prevail in both races, the party will take control of the Senate, paving the way for Joe Biden to enact his agenda after he ...
MBS says ‘solidarity and stability’ deal signed: Live news

MBS says ‘solidarity and stability’ deal signed: Live news

5" January" 2021" SOURCE : AL JAZEERA AND NEWS AGENCIES Gulf leaders sign agreement to end their three-year diplomatic rift with Qatar at GCC summit in Saudi Arabia. Gulf leaders signed a “solidarity and stability” agreement in Saudi Arabia as they met for the Gulf Cooperation Council annual summit on Tuesday. Saudi Arabia on Monday announced the reopening of land borders with Qatar after a three and a half-year spat that saw the kingdom, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain cut diplomatic and trade ties and impose a land, sea and air blockade on the Gulf state. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that there was a desperate need for a unified Gulf region, after the signing of the “solidarity and stability” deal. “These efforts helped ...
Saudi Arabia agrees to end blockade on Qatar, open airspace and land border

Saudi Arabia agrees to end blockade on Qatar, open airspace and land border

4" January " 2021"https://www.middleeasteye.net/news Kuwait's foreign minister announces preliminary agreement in a major step towards resolving the Gulf crisis Saudi Arabia has lifted its land and air blockade on Qatar in a major step towards ending a Gulf rift that started more than three years ago when Riyadh and its allies imposed a siege on Doha.  Kuwait's Foreign Minister Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah announced the breakthrough on Monday ahead of a highly anticipated Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit where a broader resolution to the crisis is expected to be reached. Al-Sabah did not elaborate on whether the preliminary agreement between Qatar and Saudi Arabia extends to the other blockading countries - the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt.  But he conveye...
Khilaafka xadka: Maxay Ethiopia Iyo Sudan Isugu Dhaceen Al-Fashaga

Khilaafka xadka: Maxay Ethiopia Iyo Sudan Isugu Dhaceen Al-Fashaga

4" January " 2021 " BBC Somali Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed (M) iyo dhiggiisa Sudan Abdalla Hamdok - labada dal waxaa ka dhaxaysa taariikh cadowtooyo Isku dhacyada hubeysan ee ka dhaca xadka u dhaxeeya Sudan iyo Itoobiya waa kuwii ugu dambeeyay ee taariikhda cadowtinimada tobnaanka sano jirsatay ee u dhaxaysa labada dal, inkastoo ay dhif tahay in labada ciidan ay si toos ah isugu dhacaan iyagoo dhul isku heysta. Meeshii ugu dambeysay ee ay ku dagaallamaan waa deegaan lagu muransan yahay oo lagu magacaabo al-Fashaga, halkaas oo gobolka waqooyi-galbeed ee Amhara ee dalka Itoobiya uu kaga xirmo gobolka Gedaref ee Sudan. Inkastoo xadka labada dal uu yahay mid caan ah, balse xadka saxda ah weligiis laguma calaamadeyn dhulka. Heshiisyadii xilligii gumeysiga Xaddu...
India approves Oxford-AstraZeneca and locally made COVID vaccines

India approves Oxford-AstraZeneca and locally made COVID vaccines

3" January "2021" SOURCE : NEWS AGENCIES Drug regulator authorises vaccines developed by Oxford University and UK-based AstraZeneca, and another by India’s Bharat Biotech. India has authorised the emergency use of two coronavirus vaccines developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, and by local pharmaceutical firm Bharat Biotech, according to the country’s drug regulator. At a news briefing on Sunday, Drugs Controller General Dr Venugopal G Somani said both vaccines would be administered in two doses. The… vaccines of Serum Institute [AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine] and Bharat Biotech are being approved for restricted use in emergency situations,” Somani said, referring to the Indian firm that manufactured the former vaccine. Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that th...
BioNTech criticises EU failure to order enough Covid vaccine

BioNTech criticises EU failure to order enough Covid vaccine

2 " January "2021 https://www.theguardian.com/ Firm races to fill potential gap left by bloc’s gamble on several vaccines being approved Coronavirus – latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverage BioNtech has criticised the EU’s failure to order more doses of its coronavirus vaccine, saying it is now racing with its US partner, Pfizer, to boost production amid fears of a European “gap” left by the lack of other approved vaccines. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was the first to be approved by the bloc late last month, after being accepted by the UK, Canada and the US. They and other countries have also since approved the Moderna or Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, leaving the EU trailing behind. With criticism growing of the slow pace of the EU’s vaccine programme, Uğur Şah...
Sudan declares full control of border Territory settled by Ethiopians

Sudan declares full control of border Territory settled by Ethiopians

MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA By Reuters Staff KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan said on Thursday its forces had taken control of all of Sudanese territory in a border area settled by Ethiopian farmers, after weeks of clashes. Ethiopia, for its part, accused its neighbour of sending forces into its territory for attacks. Border tensions have reignited since the outbreak of a conflict in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region in early November, which sent more than 50,000 mainly Tigrayan refugees fleeing into eastern Sudan. Clashes have occurred in recent weeks over agricultural land in the al-Fashqa area, which lies within Sudan’s international boundaries but has been settled by Ethiopian farmers for years. ADVERTISEMENT On Saturday, Sudan said it had taken control of most, but no...
In Pictures: COVID mutes New Year’s Eve as world ushers in 2021

In Pictures: COVID mutes New Year’s Eve as world ushers in 2021

1" January "2021 " Aljazeera This New Year’s Eve is being celebrated like no other, with many people bidding farewell to a year they’d rather forget. This New Year’s Eve is being celebrated like no other in most of the world, with coronavirus pandemic restrictions limiting crowds and many people bidding farewell to a year they would prefer to forget. New Year’s experiences varied greatly depending on the country, just like the coronavirus itself. Some big cities cancelled or scaled back their traditional celebrations, while a handful of places without active outbreaks carried on like any other year. A, security guard stands on duty as a phoenix is shown on a giant screen on New Year's Eve in Beijing, China. [Ng Han Guan/AP Photo] One million people usually crowd Sydney H...
Jilaayaal Ka Tirsan Bollywood ka Ayaa   Xaflad Ay Si Wadajir Ah, U Qabteen  Ku Soo Bandhigay Hamigooda Sanadka Cusub 2021 da
Entertainment, WARARKA

Jilaayaal Ka Tirsan Bollywood ka Ayaa Xaflad Ay Si Wadajir Ah, U Qabteen Ku Soo Bandhigay Hamigooda Sanadka Cusub 2021 da

1" January "2021 Hindustan Times Kartik Aaryan-Janhvi Kapoor xaflad wadajir ah, Kareena Kapoor Khan iyo Gauri Khan iyo Filim sameeyaha Onir, ayaa diray fariinta sanadka cusub 2021 da . Waxayna yiraahdeen qaadashada xasaasiga ah ee arrimaha sida film sameeynta ,in sanadka 2021 ay noqon doonto sanad u dhib badan filim sameeyayaasha iyo qorayaasha wax ka qora dhacdooyinka filmada u qalma. Sanadkii 2020, bandhigii shineemooyinka ayaa qaababkoodii badalmay sidoo kale Tiyaatar dhaqameedyada ayaa Is badal uu ku yimid qaababkii loo sii deyn jiray ee OTT maadaama hoolalka shineemooyinka lagu qasbay inay hoos u dhigaan albaabadooda. COVID19 aawgeed waxay badashay qaab shineemo ahaan markii ay meheradduhu shaqeyneysay illaa March 2020 Isaga oo ka hadlaya waxa ku waajahan filim...