Russia approves world’s first coronavirus vaccine

Russia has developed ‘first’ coronavirus vaccine President Putin says his daughter inoculated with new vaccine that proved efficient during tests

  • President Vladimir Putin said Russia has developed the first vaccine offering “sustainable immunity” against coronavirus.
  • New Zealand announced its first locally transmitted coronavirus infections in 102 days.
  • Worldwide coronavirus cases have surpassed 20 million, with Brazil and Mexico reporting a combined 27,000 infections in just one day. More than 12.2 million have recovered, and almost 735,000 have died from the disease, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally.
  • US President Donald Trump is considering a measure to block US citizens and permanent residents from entering the country if they are suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus, according to the New York Times and Reuters news agen

The World Health Organization said any WHO stamp of approval on a COVID-19 vaccine candidate would require a rigorous safety data review, after Russia announced it had approved a vaccine.

“We are in close contact with the Russian health authorities and discussions are ongoing with respect to possible WHO pre-qualification of the vaccine,” the United Nations health agency’s spokesman Tarik Jasarevic told reporters in Geneva at an online press briefing.

“Pre-qualification of any vaccine includes the rigorous review and assessment of all the required safety and efficacy data

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