Minister Behind the False Report on Salaam Bank

Somalia’s Minister of Planning Jamal Mohamed Hassan has received support from the Somali presidency in the fight against Hormuud Telecom and Salaam Bank!

Minister Jamaal was confirmed by officials from the Ministry of Planning to be behind a recent false report to the United Nations aimed at tarnishing the image of Bank Salaam, a bank owned by Somali businessmen.

Minister of Planning Jamal Mohamed Hassan is one of the returning members of the recently announced government, a close ally of President Farmajo.

Jamal Mohamed made no secret of his intention not to undermine the development of business in his support of this Villa Somalia after he and his chief presidential cheese Ali Saeed threatened staff monitor the UN’s mission in the country on If they do not put the information as they want it to be,

The move led to the spread of lies and fabrications against SALAAM BANK and the elimination of bank accounts of terrorist groups, yet the international community did not believe the report, which appeared to be emotional and far from the truth. .

The Minister of Planning, Jamal Mohamed Hassan, who previously published a book about the livelihoods of farmers in the Lower Shabelle region, has again revealed that he is at war with Hormuud & Salaam Bank, which is still unclear. whether it is a move by President Farmajo or not

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